The Wiivers

I’ve missed you!
February 20, 2009, 2:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Okay, so sorry I haven’t wrote more (any) lately!! I have been so so busy that I haven’t really had time to do much other than the necessities of life! I’m sorry I just left everyone without saying anything…

Well, I don’t have a whole lot of time to write now, but I thought I’d show you a few pictures. We’re having a birthday party at my house tonight. We are going to eat at a nice restaurant in a neighboring town, then everyone is coming to my house for cak and board games. Fun! Oh wait, did I mention that there are 30 people coming! And that we are moving in 11 days so my house is currently half packed! Crazy! I know it will be fun, I just have no clue where to put everyone. My house is tin-ny for 30 people. Here’s the cake I just finished with for the party.

It is funfetti flavored (the birthday girl’s favorite). And I it is a checkerboard pattern inside (pink and white). When we cut it tonight, I’ll take a picture to show y’all.

I really wanted a banner for the party, but the ones at the store were multi-colored and didn’t match my pink, black, and white theme. So, I bought some scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby and used my mom’s Cricuit machine and made this for her!

I think it will look better at night when there’s not light shining through behind it. Well, I better go finish cleaning! Funny story, I’m in a wedding in August and the silly bride (love ya Katy!!) decided to buy us 19″ heels to wear with our dresses. So, I decided to wear mine today when I’m cleaning to try to break them in a little bit. Everyone wears windpants and heels to clean right?

Very cute shoes, but tall!!

Talk to you soon! Promise!!